Entries by Operadmin

3 immortal pieces from the opera DER ROSENKAVALIER by Strauss- with the best interpretations from YouTube (Hits, Best of)

Der Rosenkavalier offers the music lover two of the most sublime scenes in all of opera literature. The handing over of the silver rose and the final sestet are worthy of mention. Like Mozart, Strauss was a composer for female voices, and with this opera he created three immortal roles for sopranos: the Marschallin, Sophie […]

3 immortal pieces from the opera SALOME by Strauss- with the best interpretations from YouTube (Hits, Best of)

Richard Strauss first saw the theater piece “Salome” in 1902 in a production by Max Reinhard, and three years later created an expressionist sound world that seemed to break with everything previously known. Despite the now thirteen years that had passed since the play’s first performance, the piece, set to music as an opera, met […]