

The Portrait of Leoncavallo’s Aria VESTI LA GIUBBA 

Read Interesting facts and hear great YouTube Videos about the famous Aria “VESTI LA GIUBBA”.


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Golden age, Glossary

Glossary: GOLDEN AGE

This post shows the technical term GOLDEN AGE explained in a few sentences with links to practical examples.

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Enrico Caruso, Tenor

The online opera guide to Enrico Caruso

Read the short biography of Enrico Caruso and listen to highlights of his career. Caruso changed the Tenor Fach forever. Still Today, 100 years later, he is a reference point to tenors from all over the world. He combined the demands of Belcanto with the intensity of the roles and the vocal power of Verismo. Caruso was the first opera singer to fill stadiums and become popular with the masses.
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Anecdotes from the world of opera

An Anecdote about Enrico Caruso and Johanna Gadski from the online opera guide

Smile about the story what happened to the German Soprano Johanna Gadski in the Metropolitan Opera house. Anecdotes from the world of opera. Enjoy funny stories that happened to famous people, accompanied by beautiful music. Be it opera singers, composers or other ladies and gentlemen of the opera world.

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Anecdotes from the world of opera

An Anecdote about Enrico Caruso and John Mc Cormack from the online Opera guide 

Smile about die Story that changed the life of the irish Tenor John Mc Cormack.

Also available as iTunes podcast (and other platforms) “Anecdotes of the Opera World”. SUBSCRIBE to the series. With REGULAR UPDATES.

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