Rome Rom Georg Friedrich Händel Music Musik Travel Guide Reisen Reiseführer e

Handel in Rome

The series about historical places of opera art & culture. Get to know exciting excursion and travel ideas for opera lovers. This time: Handel in Rome


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Handel in Rome


Handel started his famous and fruitful trip to Italy in 1706, during which he arrived in the eternal city in 1707. He stayed with the rich nobleman Ruspoli (see below) in noble surroundings and composed and played music for cardinals and princes.

He was not allowed to compose operas, which were forbidden in Rome since the great earthquake of Aquila in 1703, so he concentrated on sacred music, with a preference for oratorios, the most famous being the “Dixit Dominus”. These were important years of apprenticeship, he met among others the brothers Scarlatti and Arcangelo Corelli, who also performed works by Handel, who became known under the nickname “Il sassone”.




Destination Palazzo ruspoli / Residenza Napoleone

Händel lebte zeitweise in diesem zentral gelegenen Stadtpalast von Ruspoli und schrieb unter anderem sein «Ressurezione» hier. Dieser Palazzo war berühmt für seine Marmortreppen. Heute ist das Gebäude teilweise durch ein wunderschönes Boutique-Hotel belegt und kann nur während sporadischen Ausstellungen besichtigt werden.

Contemporary drawing of the Palazzo Ruspoli:

Palazzo Ruspoli Rome Roma Georg Friedrich Händel Travel Reisen Culture Tourism (1)



Destination San Giovanni in Laterano (Basilica)

In 1707, Handel is said to have given a sensational concert in the Lateran Church. The Lateran Church as the oldest church building in Rome, one of the four papal churches and the church of the Bishop of Rome (who is at the same time the Pope). The church is stunning and a visit is highly recommended.

San Giovanni in Laterano:

Rome Roma San Giovanni in Laterano Händel Travel Reisen Culture Tourism (1) (1)



Destination Palazzo Colonna

Once again a stunning noble palace of the city center, where Handel made music. Palazzo Colonna is partially open to the public, including the famous Galleria d’Arte, built in the 17th century by Cardinal Girolamo Colonna.

Grande sala der galleria d’arte:

Rome Galleria-Colonna Händel Travel Reisen Culture Tourism (1)




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