Travel tips for opera lovers – Vienna and Wilibald Gluck

Christoph Willibald Gluck Wien Vienna Travel Reisen Culture Tourism Reiseführer Travel guide Classic Opera d

Wilibald Gluck in Vienna

The series about historical places of opera art & culture. Get to know exciting excursion and travel ideas for opera lovers. This time: Wilibald Gluck in Vienna.


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Gluck in Vienna

Christoph Willibald Gluck

Gluck came to Vienna at the age of 36. There he married Maria Anna, who was half his age. After many years of traveling around, he had a permanent job, a home and could devote himself to composing. But it was to be another 12 years before he wrote “Orfeo ed Euridice”, the revolutionary work that produced a break with the baroque castrato era and exaggerated ornamentation of song. What exactly the new approach consists of, you will find summarized in the following link if you are interested:

This so-called reform opera was not at all euphorically received by the Viennese at the beginning, but acceptance increased and with the follow-up work “Alceste” the already 50-year-old was able to establish himself as Europe’s musician of future. His new style revolutionized the opera seria, and Gluck became a beacon for all subsequent composers, Mozart included. In 1756 he received a knighthood from the Pope and henceforth called himself Knight of Gluck.

A special feature of the Viennese years was that Gluck became the music teacher of Maria Antonia, the daughter of Emperor Franz I and Maria Theresa. Maria Antonia was not an easy person, but found her only joy in music and dance. Due to the marriage policy of the Habsburgs, she was married to the French Dauphin in 1770 at the age of 14, and four years later became Queen of France alongside Louis XVI as Marie Antoinette. One of her first official acts was to bring Gluck to Paris as a reformer of music.

To the travel guide VIENNA for classic and opera fans


Marie Antoinette:

marie antoinette Maria Antonia Wien Vienna Willibald Gluck Travel Reisen Culture Tourism

During the following Paris years, Gluck kept his house in Vienna and was often there on business. He returned to Vienna in the early eighties and died there in 1787.


Destination Gluck Monument at Karlsplatz

Next to the Karlskirche we find a striking statue from 1865, on the corner of Argentinierstrasse.

Gluck Monument:




Destination Gluck House Wiedner Hauptstraße

In 1784, his wife purchased a house at Wiedner Hauptstraße 32, today called Gluckhaus. Gluck lived there for 4 years and died 1887 in this house. A memorial plaque from 1865 commemorates the famous resident.

Gluck House:

Gluckhaus Wien Vienna Willibald Gluck Travel Reisen Culture Tourism



Destination Zentralfriedhof (Cemetery)

Gluck received an honorary grave in the Central Cemetery (Group 32 A, Number 49).

Gluck’s tomb:

Gluck Grab tomb Zentralfriedhof Cemetery Wien Vienna Willibald Gluck Travel Reisen Culture Tourism



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