the merry wives of windsor, nicolai otto, synopsis

Online opera guide and synopsis to Nicolai’s THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR

Nicolai’s comedy combines elements of Italian opera buffa and early German Romanticism. The overture, the drinking song, beautiful ensembles and the moon choir still inspire today and make it the main work of the German Singspiel of the Biedermeier period.

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L'incoronazione die Poppea, Claudio Monteverdi, Handlung, Synopsis

Online opera guide and synopsis of Monteverdi’s L’INCORONAZIONE DI POPPEA

“l’incoronazione di Poppea” inspires with a gripping plot with people made of flesh and blood. It is THE masterpiece of the early baroque period and Monteverdi presents himself as a mature master and innovative creator, who significantly influenced the history of opera with this “dramma per musica”. Even today not only the final duet still moves the hearts of the listeners.

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opera-inside, pique dame, queen of spade, handlung, synipsis, oper, opera,

Online opera guide and synopsis to Tchaikowsky’s THE QUEEN OF SPADES

At the peak of his ability as a composer and in a two-month creative frenzy, Tchaikovsky composed a true masterpiece based on a libretto of his brother Modest and a novel of Pushkin.

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opera-inside, der rosenkavalier, handlung, synipsis, oper, opera, richard strauss

Online opera guide and synopsis to Strauss’ DER ROSENKAVALIER

The Rosenkavalier offers music lovers two of the most sublime scenes in the entire opera literature. The presentation of the silver rose and the closing scene are to be mentioned. Like Mozart, Strauss was a composer for female voices and with this opera he created with the Marschallin, Sophie and Octavian three immortal roles for sopranos. The three different female leading roles were often played by the same singers throughout their careers: Octavian and Sophie at a young and middle age, the Marschallin in more mature years.


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opera-inside-Samson_et_Dalila-Opernführer_opera_guide-Camille_Saint_Saens-Synopsis_Handlung_Trama_résumé_Aria (2) (1) (1)

Online opera guide and synopsis to Saint-Saens’ SAMSON ET DALILA

Samson et Dalila is one of the 5 greatest works of French opera literature. Three immortal arias for mezzo-soprano, the overwhelming Bacchanale, an attractive tenor role and the great choirs leave lasting impressions. The second act shows the greatest emotions and passions.


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Online opera guide and synopsis to Mussorgsky’s BORIS GODUNOV

With Boris Godunov, Mussorgsky wrote a unique opera, a monolith of opera history. The most Russian of all operas inspires with great music and most fascinating scenes. Many of his musical ideas became decades later the inspiration for a new generation of artists.


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opera-inside, elektra, richard strauss, synopsis, handlung, zusammenfassung

Online opera guide and synopsis to Strauss’ ELEKTRA

Few operas can evoke such storms of applause at the end of a performance as Elektra. Its music and its leading role is unique in opera literature, and Strauss, the great tone painter, was able to go to the limits of his time with this music.


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opera-inside, dreigroschenoper, threepenny opera, Mack the knife, Moritat, Mackie Messer, der Haifisch der hat Zähne, Kurt Weill, Bertold Brecht

Online opera guide and synopsis to Weill’s and Brecht’s THREEPENNY OPERA

The genesis of the Threepenny Opera was dramatic. Everyone expected a failure. But the premiere on August 31, 1928 became an unexpected triumphant success and made Kurt Weill and Bertold Brecht all of a sudden famous. Weill’s melodies became popular and the work was performed 10.000 times alone in the first 5 years.


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Opera-inside, Lehar, Land des Lächelns, Synopsis, Handlung

Online opera guide and synopsis to Franz Lehar’s the land of smile

The music that Lehar presents to us in “das Land des Lächelns” (“the Land of Smiles”) is stunning. Lehar himself said of his music that he always sought the melody. And what splendor he offers us in this work! Each of the pieces unfolds an irresistible charm and has become a success story.


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Online opera guide & synopsis to Vincenzo Bellini’s NORMA

Norma is an effective opera written in the heroic spirit of its time. A story full of passion and with a tragic end. What Lucia di Lammermoor was for Donizetti is Norma for Bellini, it is his signature work and perhaps the greatest master work of the belcanto era.

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